Friday, March 6, 2009


Photos by Caitlin.  (except one!)

Sangam, one of WAGGGS's 5 World Centers is located in North Pune.  We feel incredibly lucky to be living so close to such a great scouting resource and hope to make good use of it.  We made the journey out there just before Thinking Day.We met some lovely women there, including quite a few from England who were visiting for Thinking Day and to do volunteer work.  The grounds are a good respite from hot sunny dusty India and the (free!) pool a treat.  We'll be back!  

Next up - getting hooked up with a Bharat Guides troop.  (India's Girl Scouts).  The Guides and Scouts have a huge "Scouting Ground" quite close to our house, including a large building where troops gather for activities and meetings.  Most troops are affiliated with a school, but rumor has it that an appropriately aged "open" group meets at the scout ground Saturday evening.  Keep your finger crossed!  Caitlin has really missed her troop back home (Hi Troop 45ers!) and while working on badges independently has been fun, the camaraderie is a big part of scouting for her too. 

Coming soon, pictures and recollections of the Thinking Day ceremony held at the scout grounds.

1 comment:

katie katie katie said...

Caitlin is quite the photographer!