Sunday, July 12, 2009


I don't think I'll ever be one of those people who wax romantic about Indian train travel (2AC still doesn't cut it, I don't care what my husband says), but I have discovered a strategy for making the inevitably lengthy waits at stations much more enjoyable (assuming the weather is tolerable and my children are fed, watered, and not in need of a bathroom) - make friends with anyone and everyone. 

It is surprisingly easy to do when you're armed with a camera and a smile.  

Or a guitar...

I especially love this picture for the great cross-section of Indian society that it shows.  You've got everyone from that rather posh looking Sikh in white on the left to the waving kids who swept the train cars - on their hands and knees, with only pieces of discarded plywood - to the beggar woman directly behind Chris.  The trains truly are one of India's few equalizers.

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