I love you. All of you. More than you can possibly imagine.
You showed up at my parents' house tonight in droves, bearing food, gifts, children and babies. Some of you drove miles and miles to see us, and some of you even made time in your vacation schedules to come over. You powered through busy days and dragged tired kiddos along just to see us one more time before we leave Madison. You sat with me and listened to my stories and when I asked you, you knew I really did want to hear about your year and told me. You were kind to my ancient dog, patient with my wild children and made friends with each other. You made some damn fine food, damn fine. You said goodbye and then were still here half and hour later -- I love that. There were those of you here from nearly every chapter of my life and I loved that you all came out to see us.
I have been in Madison a week and literally every time I leave the house I run into at least one of you. Two of you played some excellent music last night and Chris and I felt lucky to be able to see you do your thing. These reunions are such gifts.
4 of you were here on vacation when we first arrived and your presence did wonders for helping my kids jump right back into life state-side. Its been too long and I'm so glad we could reconnect and kindle the kids' friendships.
You peeps who are further away, just the knowledge that we'll be seeing you so soon is a joy. I read your FB posts and emails and even just look at your pictures and these days there's this little thrill - I'm going to see her soon! He'll be at my house in no time! I loved hearing from you all while we were in India but its even better now that we're home, knowing we'll be seeing each other in mere days or weeks, instead of many long months.
I feel overwhelmed and humbled by the rich universe of friends and family in which I move. You all are wonderful and bring me such happiness. You have been so missed and are so very appreciated. The love and hugs we soaked up tonight will last us well into Virginia, and I hope you'll keep us in your hearts as we embark on this newest adventure.