Meema and Grandpy, Tio, neighbors, normal driving, clean streets, FANTASTIC food, safe water... the list of things we're seeing and enjoying goes on and on. Everyone seems pretty well rested by now and thankfully, we all seem to be over that last nasty round of Indian stomach bugs. The last leg of the journey was extra exciting thanks to busted windshield wipers and a big ol' midwestern thunderstorm (now there's another thing I really missed), but thanks to Super-Grampy at the wheel, we made it in one piece. Pictures to come...
We're slowly by little going to be calling and seeing lots of you Madison people, but don't feel like you need to wait to hear from us to get in touch - call the homestead or even stop by if you're around.
The big potluck is this Sunday 4-8 and we're looking forward to seeing lots and lots of folks. (Get in touch if you need directions) And between now and then we're chomping at the bit to see visiting cousins, wallow in wonderfulness at the farm and even see a friend's band play on Saturday night. (Alchemy Cafe, this Saturday, 8pm, if you're interested...)
That Dorothy girls sure had it right - "There's no place like home..."
1 comment:
Annnndd, I dreamed Tio said, "Grandchildren are home, all's right in the world."
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