Thursday, January 21, 2010


(First, welcome to new reader Jill! Glad you found us and I do hope we'll be able to connect in Madison in Feb... still waiting to hear about the conference. I'll keep you posted!)

Good people of blog-land, today I turn to you for a wee bit o' help.

We just got back from the pediatrician's and (as always) the subject of vaccinations came up. When the kids were little this was easy as either, with Caitlin, I just did what the doc said because I was naive or, with Ben, we did all the vax because we knew he was going to India in the near future.

Now India is behind us and looming are puberty and life with H1N1. The doc recommended Guardasil for Caitlin and H1N1 for both...

And I'm in a bit or a swivet. No easy answers anymore. India is a given, but the vax for that are a moot point. We've never done any flu shots, and I've never thought about Guardasil at all.

Thoughts? Things to read? What has your family done? I'd love to hear from everyone who's willing to share. You can leave a comment if you like, or if email would be more your speed, maggiehaskettATgmailDOTcom (make the obvious changes).

Thanks in advance.


Susannah said...

I regularly get the flu vaccine, but didn't get the H1N1. In my opinion, having the flu is terriblehorriblenogoodverybad, so I do what I can to avoid it. I didn't get H!N1 (typo, but it stays) cause... I don't know, I guess because they didn't have it when I got the regular one.

I also say go for it with Gardasil. I did.

margaret said...

STUNNED by the mention of puberty. I'm gonna hafta get back to you tomorrow.

Unknown said...

I have to say, I sleep better at night having had the Gardasil vaccine. It wasn't comfortable, though-- I was sore for a few weeks.