Friday, May 7, 2010

Unknownae plantus

My yard is a veritable Eden, and I lack the luxury Adam had - naming everything whatever he wanted.... And I've yet to find a good way to figure out what all of these plants are. I ask everyone who comes over to look at the latest oddball to pop up or burst into bloom, but I'm still stumped on a few.

Any ideas anyone?






Sensory Overload said...

The third picture down I believe is Cinquefoil (Potentilla neumannia). The last would picture is, Siberian Bugloss (Brunnera macrophylla). The others, I'm not 100% on so I won't comment.

It looks like you have quite a wonderful bounty. Thanks for sharing it all.

Sensory Overload said...

I didn't mean to write "would picture" FYI. Don't know what brain glitch occurred, but I offer my edit. Just remove the "would". :)

Bradley family said...

I think picture #5 might be Henbit (Lamium amplexicaule). Picture #5 might be Creeping Charlie (Glechoma hederacea). They both belong to the mint family (they should have square stems, opposite leaves and a strong aroma). We have tons of Creeping Charlie in our yard in Madison, and I found Henbit for the first time last year in our yard. It came back again this year.

I am enjoying the views of Virginia flora on your blog!

Maggie said...

Alright! Now we're getting somewhere! Thanks for the IDs guys.

Ne'ke, I'd love to hear your guesses on any others that look familiar. Once I've got a name I can Google, and if more than one person give me the same guess, it really helps me zero in.

Bradley family said...

Oops! I meant picture #6 might be Creeping Charlie (not picture #5 again)

Sensory Overload said...

Picture #7 might be Saponaria or soapwort. I'm not 100% on it though.

Sensory Overload said...

I meant picture #8, but I also cannot tell if #7 and #8 are the same.