Monday, December 7, 2009

December 7

A day that starts like this...

and ends like this...

has to be a good one!

The intrepid grandfathers set off early this morning in search of the elusive wild donut and returned triumphant, and with bagels and 'lox' taboot. Fueled up, we walked downtown, hit the library and shopped a bit. Met Chris for lunch, said goodbye to Grampy and then walked home. Then the remaining grandparents hit the road and some of us snuck a nap while others watch a Star Wars documentary. I also squeezed in some secret plotting with Keely and quickly it was time for book group and parade prep.

Today was the annual Lexington Christmas Parade, (yep, I live in a town that unabashedly holds a *Christmas* parade every year...) and the kids and I marched. Caitlin's book group was recruited to help with Boxerwood's entry and Caitlin carried a beautiful handmade illuminated sparkling paper deer puppet.

She was one of about a dozen 'animals' that walked around the tree sculpture you see in the background in the above photo. There were two big paper birds hanging from the tree, and a handful of the animals rode bikes instead of walking - the result was quite magical. Boxerwood never fails to delight me!

And then there was the knitting float!

A bunch of the lovely and talented Wednesday night knitters built and painted our fabulous float over the course of the last 2 weeks - a hearth complete with 'fire', stockings hung with care, piles of presents and 2 rockers in front of it all. Ben and I claimed a rocker and had a great time waving and throwing candy to the crowds. Fellow knitter Ellie treated us all to Rick Springfield and Johnny Cash Christmas carols and the other knitters worked the crowd, passing out hand knit corkies.

Sometimes small town living wears a bit thin, as do the assumptions of homogeneity that go along with it, but even so, I find things like this parade utterly charming. There is something wonderful about bundling up and spending the evening with friends, seeing tons of folks you know and laughing and hollering all through town. Going to bed tonight Ben asked if we'd be in Lexington for another year. I said I thought so and asked why he was wondering. He said, "That parade was really great. I'm going to ask the knitters if I can be on their float again next year!"

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